Package 'shoredate'

Title: Shoreline Dating Coastal Stone Age Sites
Description: Provides tools for shoreline dating coastal Stone Age sites. The implemented method was developed in Roalkvam (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107880> for the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Although it can be extended to other areas, this also forms the core area for application of the package. Shoreline dating is based on the present-day elevation of a site, a reconstruction of past relative sea-level change, and empirically derived estimates of the likely elevation of the sites above the contemporaneous sea-level when they were in use. The geographical and temporal coverage of the method thus follows from the availability of local geological reconstructions of shoreline displacement and the degree to which the settlements to be dated have been located on or close to the shoreline when they were in use. Methods for numerical treatment and visualisation of the dates are provided, along with basic tools for visualising and evaluating the location of sites.
Authors: Isak Roalkvam [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Isak Roalkvam <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2024-08-30 04:23:14 UTC

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Create isobases with different directions within the spatial coverage in south-eastern Norway


Function to create isobases for interpolating shoreline displacement curves within the spatial coverage in south-eastern Norway. This is done from the centre points of the supplied displacement curves. Isobases can also be created for multiple directions, which is useful for testing the sensitivity of dates to the direction of the isobases.





A numerical vector holding a single or multiple directions for the isobases.


A simple feature holding the isobases represented as lines.


# Create isobases in a specified direction
isobases <- create_isobases(327)

# Create isobases using different directions
isobases <- create_isobases(c(327, 338))

# Plot for visualisation

Plot shoreline displacement curves


Function for plotting shoreline displacement curves. Calling to plot without providing a target curve will display the four underlying geologically derived displacement curves.


  target_curve = NA,
  displacement_curves = c("Horten", "Porsgrunn", "Tvedestrand", "Arendal"),
  target_name = "Target curve",
  target_line = "solid",
  target_col = "red",
  target_alpha = 1,
  displacement_line = c(Horten = "solid", Porsgrunn = "solid", Tvedestrand = "solid",
    Arendal = "solid"),
  displacement_col = c(Horten = "darkorange", Porsgrunn = "darkgreen", Tvedestrand =
    "blue", Arendal = "black"),
  displacement_alpha = 1,
  greyscale = FALSE



Data frame holding a shoreline displacement curve.


Character vector specifying which geologically informed displacement curves should be plotted. Accepted values are c("Horten", "Porsgrunn", "Tvedestrand", "Arendal"). All are included by default.


Character value specifying the name that is given to the target curve, if provided. Defaults to "Target curve".


Character value specifying the line type that is used for the target curve, if this is provided. Defaults to "solid".


Character value specifying the colour that is used for the target curve, if this is provided. Defaults to "red".


Numerical value specifying the alpha value that is used for the target curve, if this is provided. Defaults to 1.


Character vector specifying the line types that are used for the geological displacement curves to be plotted. Defaults to c("Horten" = "solid", "Porsgrunn" = "solid", "Tvedestrand" = "solid", "Arendal" = "solid").


Character vector specifying the colours that are used for the geological displacement curves to be plotted. Defaults to c("Horten" = "darkorange", "Porsgrunn" = "darkgreen", "Tvedestrand" = "blue", "Arendal" = "black").


Numerical value specifying the alpha value that are used for all of the geological displacement curves to be plotted. Defaults to 1.


Logical value indicating whether the plot should be in greyscale or not. Defaults to FALSE.


A plot displaying the underlying shoreline displacement curves and, if provided, a target curve.


# Empty plot for speed
displacement_plot(displacement_curves = "")

Interpolate displacement curve to a target location within the spatial coverage in south-eastern Norway


Interpolate the trajectory of past shoreline displacement to a target location within the spatial coverage on the Skagerrak coast of south-eastern Norway. This based on the distance of the location to the shoreline isobases of the geologically derived displacement curves and is done using inverse distance weighting.


  isobases = NA,
  power = 2,
  cal_reso = 10,
  verbose = FALSE



A spatial target location to where the new displacement curve is interpolated.


4 spatial lines representing the shoreline isobases of the existing displacement curves. Multiple sets of 4 isobases with different isobase directions can be provided (see create_isobases()). Defaults to isobases with a direction of 327.


A numerical value indicating the inverse distance power for IDW. Defaults to 2.


A numerical value specifying the resolution to use on the calendar scale. Defaults to 10.


Logical value indicating whether progress should be printed to console. Defaults to FALSE.


Returns a list holding an interpolated displacement curve for each isobase direction. Each displacement curve is represented by a data frame with the columns bce where negative values indicate years BCE and positive CE, lowerelev, representing the lower limit for the elevation of the shoreline for each year. upperelev, the upper limit for elevation of the shoreline for each year, and direction which indicates the direction of the isobases used when interpolating the curve.


# Create example point using the required coordinate system
# WGS84 / zone UTM32N (EPSG: 32632)
target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(579570, 6582982)), crs = 32632)

# Interpolate shoreline displacement curve to the target point location,
# setting the resolution on the calendar scale to 2000 years for speed.
target_curve <- interpolate_curve(target_point, cal_reso = 2000)

Print shoreline dates to console


Print the dates held in a shoreline_date object. Each date is printed with site name, elevation and highest density region. If the isobase direction is different or more are provided than the default, the directions and dates associated with these are printed separately.


## S3 method for class 'shoreline_date'
print(x, ...)



Object of class shoreline_date.


Additional arguments.


Print the site names, elevations, non-default isobase directions and HDRs contained in a shoreline_date object to console.


target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)), crs = 32632)

# Reduce date resolution with cal_reso and elevation_reso for speed
target_date <- shoreline_date(site = target_point,
                              elevation = 70,
                              elev_reso = 1,
                              cal_reso = 400)

# Print to console

Find the highest density region of shoreline dates


Function to find 95% highest density region (HDR) for a provided shoreline date. Negative values denote years BCE while positive values denote CE.


shoredate_hdr(bce, probability, site_name, cal_reso, prob = 0.95)



A vector holding calendar years associated with a date.


A vector holding the probability mass corresponding to each calendar year.


A vector holding the name of the site that has been dated.


Resolution on the calendar scale used when dating the site.


A numerical value between 0 and 1 indicating the probability coverage of the HDR. Defaults to 0.95.


A list holding start and end points for segments of the highest density region of a shoreline date, the weighted mean date, the probability coverage and site name.


target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)), crs = 32632)

# Reduce date resolution with cal_reso and elevation_reso for speed
target_date <- shoreline_date(sites = target_point,
                              elevation = 80,
                              elev_reso = 1,
                              cal_reso = 400)

# shoredate_hdr() is already called under the hood with shoreline_date(),
# the result of which is printed when calling the shoreline_date object

# However, shoredate_hdr() can be applied separately by pulling the
# necessary data from the date

Plot shoreline dates


Function for plotting shoreline dates along with associated metadata.


  date_probability = TRUE,
  date_probability_scale = 10000,
  elevation_distribution = TRUE,
  displacement_curve = TRUE,
  site_name = FALSE,
  parameters = FALSE,
  isobase_direction = FALSE,
  highest_density_region = TRUE,
  hdr_label = TRUE,
  multiplot = FALSE,
  date_col = NA,
  date_fill = "darkgrey",
  displacement_col = "red",
  displacement_fill = "red",
  site_elevation_col = "#046c9a",
  site_elevation_fill = "#046c9a",
  hdr_col = "black",
  hdr_label_xadj = 0.2,
  hdr_label_yadj = 0.3,
  greyscale = FALSE



Object of class shoreline_date.


Logical value indicating whether the probability distribution of the shoreline date should be plotted. Defaults to TRUE.


Numerical constant with which to scale the probability distribution of the date to make it fit the plot. Defaults to 10000.


Logical value indicating whether the distribution describing the distance between site and shoreline should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the displacement curve should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the name of the site should be printed in the header of the plot. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the parameters of the statistical function should be displayed. Default is FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the direction of the isobases should be printed. Default is FALSE.


Logical value indicating whether the 95% highest density region should be displayed. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether the numeric values for the highest density regions should be displayed. Default is TRUE.


Logical value indicating whether multiple dates should be plotted individually, or be collapsed into a single plot. The only other graphical option with multiplot set to TRUE is highest_density_region. Default is FALSE.


Character value specifying the outline colour of the probability distribution of the shoreline date. Defaults to NA.


Character value specifying the fill colour of the probability distribution of the shoreline date. Defaults to "darkgrey".


Character value specifying the outline colour of the displacement curve. Defaults to "red".


Character value specifying the fill colour of the displacement curve. Defaults to "red".


Character value specifying the outline colour of the distribution describing the likely distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to "#046c9a".


Character value specifying the fill colour of the distribution describing the likely distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to "#046c9a".


Character value specifying the colour of the line segment giving the highest density region of the shoreline date. Defaults to "black".


Numerical value between 0 and 1 specifying the position of the HDR label on the x-axis. Increasing the value moves the label further from the plot border. Defaults to 0.2.


Numerical value between 0 and 1 specifying the position of the HDR label on the y-axis. Increasing the value moves the label further from the plot border. Defaults to 0.3.


Logical value indicating whether the plot should be in greyscale or not. If TRUE, overrides other colour parameters. Defaults to FALSE.


shoredate_plot() returns a plot displaying the provided shoreline dates. A single plot is created for each date, where a range of settings can be adjusted to display or hide various parameters and results. Setting the parameter multiplot to TRUE returns a sparser version for multiple dates, where the only option is whether or not to display the highest density region in addition to each date. multiplot does not allow for multiple isobase directions. Negative values denote years BCE while positive values denote CE.


Plot(s) displaying shoreline dates and associated metadata.


# Create example point with correct coordinate reference system
target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)), crs = 32632)

# Reduce date resolution with cal_reso and elevation_reso for speed
target_date <- shoreline_date(sites = target_point, elevation = 80,
                              elev_reso = 10,
                              cal_reso = 500)


Plot the summed probability distribution of multiple shoreline dates


Function to plot the sum of the probabilities of multiple shoreline dates as resulting from running sum_shoredates().


shoredate_sumplot(shoredates_sum, sample_size = TRUE)



Object of class shoredates_sum.


Logical indicating whether or not to display the number of summed dates on the plot. Defaults to TRUE.


A line plot showing the provided summed probability distribution.


# Create example points
target_points <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)),
                            sf::st_point(c(538300, 6544250)))

# Set correct CRS
target_points <- sf::st_as_sf(target_points, crs = 32632)

# Reduce date resolution with cal_reso and elevation_reso for speed
target_dates <- shoreline_date(target_points,
                               elevation = c(65, 70),
                               elev_reso = 10,
                               cal_reso = 750)

# Find summed probability
target_sum <- sum_shoredates(target_dates)

# Call to plot

Shoreline date


A function for shoreline dating Stone Age sites based on their present-day elevation, their likely elevation above sea-level when in use and the trajectory of past shoreline displacement. Details and caveats pertaining to the implemented method is given in Roalkvam (2023).


  elevation = NA,
  elev_reso = 0.01,
  cal_reso = 10,
  isobase_direction = 327,
  sum_isobase_directions = FALSE,
  model = "gamma",
  model_parameters = c(0.286, 20.833),
  elev_fun = "mean",
  upper_temp_limit = -2500,
  target_curve = NA,
  hdr_prob = 0.95,
  normalise = TRUE,
  sparse = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE



Vector giving one or more site names, or, if displacement curves are to be interpolated, objects of class sf representing the sites to be dated. In the case of a spatial geometry, the first column is taken as the site name.


Vector of numeric elevation values for each site or a an elevation raster of class SpatRaster from the package terra from where the elevation values are to be derived.


Numeric value specifying the resolution with which to step through the distribution representing the distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to 0.01m.


Numeric value specifying the resolution to use on the calendar scale. Defaults to 10.


A vector of numeric values defining the direction(s) of the isobases. Defaults to 327.


Logical value indicating that if multiple isobase directions are specified in isobase_direction the results should be summed for each site using sum_shoredates. Defaults to FALSE.


Character vector specifying the statistical model with which to model the distance from site to shoreline. Currently accepts either "none" or "gamma". Defaults to "gamma".


Vector of numeric values specifying the parameters for the statistical model describing the distance between site and shoreline. Defaults to c(0.286, 20.833), denoting the shape and scale of the default gamma function, respectively.


Statistic to define site elevation if this is to be derived from an elevation raster. Uses terra::extract(). Defaults to mean.


Numerical value giving the upper temporal limit. Dates with a start date after the limit are returned as NA. Defaults to -2500, i.e. 2500 BCE.


Data frame holding pre-computed shoreline displacement curve. This has to have the same or higher resolution on the calendar scale as that specified with cal_reso. interpolate_curve() will be run if nothing is provided to target_curve. Defaults to NA.


Numeric value specifying the coverage of the highest density region. Defaults to 0.95.


Logical value specifying whether the shoreline date should be normalised to sum to unity. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical value specifying if only site name and shoreline date should be returned. Defaults to FALSE. Note that of the functions for further treatment, sparse dates are only compatible with sum_shoredates().


Logical value indicating whether progress should be printed to console. Defaults to FALSE.


A nested list of class shoreline_date holding the shoreline date results and associated metadata for each dated site for each isobase direction. The elements of each date is:

  • site_name name of the site.

  • site_elev elevation of the site.

  • date data frame with the columns bce where negative values indicate years BCE and positive CE, as well as probability, which gives the probability mass for each year.

  • weighted_mean the weighted mean date.

  • hdr_start start values for the HDR ranges.

  • hdr_end end values for the HDR ranges.

  • hdr_prob probability level for the HDR.

  • dispcurve data frame holding the displacement curve used for dating the site. This has the columns bce, giving years BCE/CE. lowerelev, the lower limit for the elevation of the shoreline for each year. upperelev, the upper limit for elevation of the shoreline for each year.

  • dispcurve_direction direction of the isobases in use.

  • model_parameters parameters for the statistical model.

  • modeldat data frame holding the model distribution. The column offset denotes the vertical distance (m) from the shoreline, as specified by the elev_reso argument. px is the cumulative probability at each step of offset, and probs is the probability of each step found by subtracting the preceding value from each value of px.

  • cal_reso resolution on the calendar scale.


Roalkvam, I. 2023. A simulation-based assessment of the relation between Stone Age sites and relative sea-level change along the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Quaternary Science Reviews 299:107880. DOI:


# Create example point using the required CRS WGS84 UTM32N (EPSG: 32632)
target_point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)), crs = 32632)

# Date target point, manually specifying the elevation instead of providing
# an elevation raster. Reducing elev_reso and cal_reso for speed.
shoreline_date(sites = target_point,
               elevation = 80,
               elev_reso = 1,
               cal_reso = 400)

Sum the probability of multiple shoreline dates


Function for finding the summed probability distribution of multiple shoreline dates.


  cut_off = -2500,
  cut_off_level = 1,
  normalise = TRUE



Object of class shoreline_date.


Calendar year specifying where dates should be cut off. Defaults to 2500 BCE.


Numerical value between 0 and 1 indicating the probability mass that has to fall after the cut-off for a date to be excluded. Defaults to 1, retaining all dates.


Logical value indicating whether the probability sum of the dates should be normalised to sum to unity. Defaults to TRUE.


List of class shoredate_sum holding the elements:

  • sum data frame with the columns bce where negative values indicate years BCE and positive CE, as well as probability, which gives the probability mass for each year.

  • dates_n number of dates that make up the sum after applying any specified cut-off. One date per site per isobase direction.


target_points <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(538310, 6544255)),
                            sf::st_point(c(538300, 6544250)))
target_points <- sf::st_as_sf(target_points, crs = 32632)

# Shoreline date, reducing resoltuion on elevation and calendar scales for
# speed.
target_dates <- shoreline_date(target_points,
                               elevation = c(65, 70),
                               elev_reso = 10,
                               cal_reso = 500)


Plot a map with target locations


Function to plot the centroids of sites to be dated and shoreline isobases of employed displacement curves on a basemap. Defaults to displaying a light-weight version of the spatial coverage in south-eastern Norway. However, spatial geometries covering other regions can also be provided or temporarily downloaded with the function.


  targets = NA,
  isobases = sf::st_read(system.file("extdata/isobases.gpkg", package = "shoredate",
    mustWork = TRUE), quiet = TRUE),
  basemap = sf::st_read(system.file("extdata/naturalearth_basemap.gpkg", package =
    "shoredate", mustWork = TRUE), quiet = TRUE),
  crs_epsg = 32632,
  naturalearth_basemap = FALSE,
  naturalearth_zoom = c(20000, 20000),
  target_labels = TRUE,
  scalebar = TRUE,
  scalebar_width = 0.4,
  scalebar_style = "ticks",
  scalebar_location = "br",
  base_fill = "grey",
  base_col = NA,
  target_shape = 21,
  target_col = "black",
  target_fill = "red",
  target_size = 2.25,
  isobase_line = c(Horten = "solid", Porsgrunn = "solid", Tvedestrand = "solid", Arendal
    = "solid"),
  isobase_col = c(Arendal = "black", Porsgrunn = "darkgreen", Tvedestrand = "blue",
    Horten = "darkorange"),
  greyscale = FALSE



Objects of class sf representing the sites to be dated. The first column beyond geom is taken as site name.


Spatial lines as object of class sf representing the shoreline isobases. Defaults to isobases with a direction of 327 within the spatial limit in SE Norway, but create_isobases() can be used to create isobases with other directions that can then be passed to target_plot().


Object of class sf representing a background map. Defaults to a light-weight basemap for the spatial limit in SE Norway.


Numeric value specifying the EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (CRS) to be used. Geometries with a different CRS will be re-projected. Defaults to 32632, which is WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG:32632).


Logical value specifying if a background map should be downloaded to be used as a basemap. Downloaded files are stored with base::tempdir() and deleted when the R session is closed. If TRUE, overrides the basemap argument. Defaults to FALSE.


A vector of two numerical values specifying the amount of cropping that is done around provided targets when naturalearth_basemap is set to TRUE. Be aware of whether a projected or geographical CRS is specified in crs_epsg. Defaults to c(20000, 20000).


Logical value specifying whether the targets should be labelled in the plot. Takes the first column beyond the one holding the geometries to represent names. If this is not present the targets are labelled by row number. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical specifying whether a scale bar should be added to the plot. Defaults to TRUE.


Numerical value specifying the width of the scale bar by passing it to the width_hint argument of ggspatial::annotation:scale(). Defaults to 0.4.


Character value specifying the style of the scale bar by passing it to the style argument of ggspatial::annotation:scale(). Defaults to "ticks".


Character value specifying the location of the scale bar on the plot by passing it to the location argument of ggspatial::annotation:scale(). Defaults to "br".


Character value specifying the fill colour of the basemap. Defaults to "grey".


Character value specifying the outline colour of the basemap. Defaults to NA.


Numerical value specifying the point shape that represent the centroids of the targets. Defaults to 21.


Character value specifying the colour parameter for the points that represent the centroids of the targets. Defaults to "black".


Character value specifying the fill parameter for the points that represent the centroids of the targets. Defaults to "red".


Numerical value specifying the size of the points that represent the centroids of the targets. Defaults to 2.25.


Vector of character values specifying the linetype that is used to represent the isobases of the geologically derived displacement curves. Defaults to c("Horten" = "solid", "Porsgrunn" = "solid", "Tvedestrand" = "solid", "Arendal" = "solid").'


Vector of character values specifying the colours used for the lines that represent the isobases of the geologically derived displacement curves. Defaults to c("Arendal" = "black", "Porsgrunn" = "darkgreen", "Tvedestrand" = "blue", "Horten" = "darkorange").'


Logical value indicating whether the plot should include colours or not. Overrides other graphical parameters When set to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.


A ggplot that displays a background map with the location of the shoreline isobases within the spatial coverage in south-eastern Norway, unless geometries for other regions are provided. If provided, the function also plots the position of target locations represented as centroids.


# Display the background map and default isobases